Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dato' Sri Najib

The photos above were taken during our visit to the Muzeum at Kuala Lipis.

There were also many interesting photos captured...please see below:

I'm sure may of you would not know what the above is.. well, this is called the 'indik padi'.  I remember when I was young, where we have to pound our own padi to produce rice.  I was staying with my grandmother - she took care of, my brother and my four other cousins.

Other interesing photos.. the 'congkak' & 'acuan kuih bauhulu'..

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dah seminggu sesi persekolahan bermula.
Last Saturday, 2nd Jan 2011 gi Melaka - overnight kat rumah tok mah bawak abang & adik sebab the next day nak hantar diorang balik ke asrama masing2..

Tiap2 kali nak balik muka cik abang ni mesti masam je.. adik tak lah pulak camtu, hepi je nampak..

Bersabar je lah anak2 ku..tinggal setahun je lagi..berkorbanlah sikit..tahun ni adalah tahun penentu untuk kamu berdua..mak sentiasa berdoa agar awak berdua mendapat pangkat yang terbaik..amin..

bla bla bla..

Dah lama rasanya saya tak post apa2 di sini.
Today is the 9th day of my early I feel bored staying at home? Well, at the moment I don't feel it at all..tengoklah sikit hari nanti..
Macam2 dalam kepala ni nak buat kat rumah, like trying new recipes, thorough clean the house..etc. etc. But, memandangkan cuaca sekarang asyik sejuk aje, rasa malaslah pulak! Nak pulak bila pas makan tu, mata pun mulalah kuyu je..hehehe.. bilalah nak start all these chores..tungguuuuuuu..


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